Believing, Loving, Overcoming
Believing, Loving, Overcoming | 1 John 5:1-5
Speaker: Marc Bowman
- Everyone means ___________________, no ________________.
- Believes is from the root word _____________, which comes from a word meaning ______________________.
- We are persuaded by ___________, we do not persuade ______________.
- Two aspects of believing: ________________ and ___________________.
- What are we to believe? That __________ is the ______________.
- What does this belief indicate? We have been ___________ of God.
- To love the Father means I prefer to ____________ His ____________.
- We love the children of God by ____________ His commandments.
- Everyone born of God _______________ the world.
- Our ___________ in _____________ is what overcomes the world.
Believing, Faith, Loving, Overcoming