Truth Produces Love
January 7, 2018

Truth Produces Love

Passage: 2 John 1-6

Truth Produces Love        2 John 1-6

1. Written to those who are in the ___________.

2. The application from 1 John, is that we, the ___________ are bound together in _________ by ___________!

3. The High Priest Prayer of Jesus in John 17 is ________________! John 17: 15 - 23

4. Understanding what the _____________ is, and how does this bind us together?

5. What is it about the Truth that binds us together and produces Love?

a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________

6. The binding together is ________________!

7. How can we possibly stay bound together in Love?

a. Because of the _______________ of God
b. Because of the _______________ of God
c. Because of the _______________ of God

8. What does love look like?

9. ___________ according to His commandments. Matthew 22: 37 - 39

10. What is the purpose of the book? How does the ______ affect us?

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