Romans 4:23-5:1 | Raised for Our Justification

Speaker: Jeff Evans

  1. Abraham ________________ the promises of God and it was counted to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:1-6
  2. These words were not for his sake alone they were written for _______ sake.  
  3. We are not believing a book, we are believing our _________. vs 25 
  4. There are ___________________ clauses.
  5.  The first phrase ________________ God, the one in whom we believe.
  6. The next two phrases describe what Jesus ___________________.
  7. Jesus he was ___________________ for our trespasses. John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9; Matthew 5:20; Isaiah 64:6 
  8. And He was ______________ for our justification.
  9. Justification as Romans 3:28; James 2:21, 24; Luke 7:35
  10. Was Paul trying to say that Christ’s resurrection made up righteous as in Romans 3:24? Or 
  11. Is Paul saying that Christ’s resurrection demonstrated that our justification was complete?
  12. When Christ came out of the grave it was_______________ that not only has your trespasses been forgiven, but you have also been both declared and made righteous in Christ Jesus.
  13. The result of this is ___________ with God!
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