Romans 6:6-11 | Alive to God

Speaker: Jeff Evans

  1. We know that our old self was  ______________  with Christ, not just our list of ________ were nailed to the cross, it was _____.
  2. We were crucified in Christ, so that the body of sin might be brought to ______________.
  3. We who have died in Christ, have been emancipated or set free from ________.
  4. If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also _________  with him.
  5. In Christ’s resurrection, he defeated __________ once and for all.  1 Cor 15:54-58
  6. To die to sin means he died under the ________________ of sin, just as to live to God is to live under the ___________________ of God. Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21
  7. This is the pattern for our ___________ as well.
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