Romans 6:20-23 | Free in Regards to Righteousness

Speaker: Jeff Evans

  1. Paul is comparing and contrasting our life _________ and _______. In this comparison there are ____ differences.
  2. Paul starts out with good news and bad news about our life before Christ. The good news is we were _______ from the moral obligations of righteousness.  The bad news is that the fruit is ___________.
  3. Difference number one is that we are no longer free in regards to _________________!
  4. As Christians, it is not about _______  anymore, it is about ____________________! 1 John 1:6-7
  5. So what is righteousness?  It is the opposite of ________.   Chapter 1:22-23, 25 and 28
  6. Righteousness is ______ a bunch of little things that we are to do or not do.  Instead it is giving God the ________ he deserves; believing the ______ instead of a lie. It is _____________ God as God in everything we do!
  7. The other difference is the __________. The fruit of being a slave to God _______ ___ sanctification. The fruit of being joined to God, of living in this relationship leads to ______________________.
  8. The end of this is _________ ________ , or living joined with him ______________. John 17:3
  9. The benefit that Paul is talking about, of being joined to God, is _______ heaven. Instead, the benefit of intimately knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent is ___________________.  Romans 6:23
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